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20 Most Embarrassing Prom Photos Ever, Seriously. Ever.

Ahh, prom. One of the highlights of a high school student’s life. Prom is a formal dance event or gathering of high school students. It is typically held near the end of the senior year. Students come in their best (seriously!) evening formal attire, bring a date or be with a group of friends, arrive in a limousine or a party bus, anything that would make the experience more unique and unforgettable.

But as perfect as it may sound and despite all the preparation, there are still awkward moments and bad photos during this much-awaited event. I mean, nobody really looks great during high school, right? It’s an awkward stage to be in honestly. Just like the photos on this list!

1. Prom Superheroes

This couple went to the prom as some type of dynamic duo, although it’s unclear what type of super power they possessed. They were rocking their color-coordinated blue, green, and white ensemble, though.

2. Fit to Be Tied
Talk about bad timing. This color-coordinated foursome’s prom photo was hindered by an impromptu wind that sent one beau’s tie perfectly across his date’s eyes. They clearly needed a do-over.

3. Feline Motif

This couple was oh-so-serious posing in their feline motif. The tiger-skin rug behind them — as he held a kitty — was a defining touch. The beige couch was a good matching color choice. He also gets props for wearing a red tie to match her red-banded waistline.

4. Chippendale’s at the Prom

There are some questionable prom looks, but this one stands out. This group of guys, circa 1998, look like they’re posing for a Chippendale’s ad rather than a prom photo. Not everyone was game for the gimmick, though. One guy neglected the bare-chested beefcakes and opted to wear a shirt.

5. The All-Americans

This couple looks like it worked really hard on the matching patriotic prom look. The addition of blue and white hearts either symbolized their love for their country or for each other. Her accessorizing with the headband and star earrings, along with his silver bow tie, is the bomb.

6. Father Photobomb

Prom can be very emotional for parents who are struggling to see their kids grow up. For fathers, it can be a time to reflect on daddy’s little girl. This shirtless father photobombing his daughter’s prom photo is both creepy and priceless.

7. Proud and Protective Papa

We hope that this dad wasn’t subliminally projecting anything onto his teenage daughter for her upcoming junior prom experience.

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