How about this brick wall? Do you notice anything weird? Is anything sticking out to you that clearly shouldn’t be there? Remember, you have to look closely or you’ll miss it altogether. Okay, ready for the answer?

Well, it turns out there’s actually a lit cigar sticking out from between two of the bricks. Unless you’re really able to unfocus your eyes, there’s a good chance you didn’t see it. Don’t feel bad if you didn’t, though—most people missed it the first time!

This next one is definitely going to fool you. It might look like just a normal passenger seat you’d find in any modern vehicle. But do you notice something off about the pattern of the lines on the leather seat? Look closely…

Couldn’t find it? Here you go! This iPad has a cover very similar in appearance to the seat upholstery! The person who owns it had better be careful; if they leave it sitting on the seat like that, someone is bound to sit on it!

Let’s give this one a try. At first glance, you probably think you’re looking at a class of young girls sitting on a bench. But once you take a look at the children’s faces, you’ll notice that something is off. Do they all look pretty similar?

Well, there’s a reason that they all look so much alike, and no, they’re not a gigantic group of twins! It turns out there are actually only two people sitting in a mirrored room. Now that definitely makes a lot more sense!

Lastly, here’s one that was the subject of a huge debate recently. Do you notice anything strange about any of these women sitting on the couch? Focus your attention on the third woman from the left. Where are her legs?

Perhaps when the legs of these women are highlighted in separate colors, it’ll be easier for you to tell whose gams belong to whom! Clearly, there are the correct amount of legs in the picture—it’s just that the woman in the middle is hiding!

Credits: boredomtherapy.com
How did you do? It just goes to show that there’s always more than meets the eye.