Try another vision test. A group of doctors recently developed an eye exam that tests people’s ability to detect light sensitivity. It lists five numbers, letters, or symbols in a row, each one a shade lighter than the one to its left…

The images become increasingly harder to decipher as the exam goes on. People taking the exam who are able to recognize the fifth number or symbol in one of the rows are said to have higher sensitivity to color than their peers.

How did you do? Were you able to detect the last number or symbol in those sequences? Can you detect the last number in this one? If so, you likely have a high sensitivity to light. If you were able to find everything in these exams, then you’re a pro! Of course, not all vision tests are created equal…

Some are far more challenging than others. Sometimes it’s impossible to know when you’re being tricked. You can take something as simple as “the dress” and start a raging Internet debate…

Similarly, can you tell why this photograph of a woman’s legs is causing such a stir around the corners of the Internet? They may look oily, but take a closer look. They actually just have streaks of white paint on them, making them appear to be shiny!