A vision exam is likely one of the easiest tests you’ll ever take in your life—or, at least, it should be. All you have to do is cover one eye at a time and recite the figures on the doctor’s chart in order to figure out how good (or bad) your eyesight is.
It might seem simple, but some eyesight tests are far trickier than others. A large number of people who try this particular test, for instance, have more trouble than they expected.
Check out the tricky tests below. Do you have what it takes to pass them? Good luck—you’re going to need it!
When it comes to examinations, the eye exam is likely the easiest one you’ll ever take—at least for those of you with good vision. Really, all you have to do is cover your eye with one hand and read a chart from top to bottom. Simple, right? Well, you might want to reconsider…

As it turns out, not all eye examinations are created equal. Sure, anyone can read a bunch of letters on a board, but others require lightning-fast eyes. Some of them even have a time limit!

Are you ready to take an exam yourself? All you have to do is spot the letter hidden in this picture in under seven seconds and you win. It’s not as easy as you think. Go ahead and give it a shot…

Did you find it? It’s the letter “C,” tucked between the bottom right corner and center of the puzzle! See, not all eye exams are as easy as the others. You could even consider an optical illusion to be an eye test! In that case, there are a lot of different ways you can test your vision…

Here’s one vision test that stumps people on the Internet left and right. First, simply stare at the large red circle for a few seconds. Now, what do you see? Don’t give up too quickly or you’ll miss it…

You might see a little shape or even a blob, but there’s more to it than that! And with the help of the outline drawn by the test’s designer, it soon becomes much more clear that it’s actually the outline of a horse…

When more details are filled in, you can really see that there was much more to the outline than just its shape! The horse is even wearing a saddle. Isn’t it funny how your eyes can play tricks on you when you’re not sure what you’re looking at?