Dirty walls are going to happen. Whether you have children or not, scuff marks and other marks on your walls are very common. As common as they are, they can be a real big pain to remove. You don’t always want to be re-painting your walls, do you? Of course not!
We found a new hack that actually works to remove scuff marks from your wall easily, without damaging your walls. Keep in mind it may not work for deep, unusual scuff marks, but it works very well for general, small scuff marks.
So, What Is The Hack?

You can remove scuff marks from your walls with toothpaste! You will need a non-gel type of toothpaste, some water, and an old toothbrush. Put a little bit of toothpaste on your toothbrush and get it a little bit wet. Then scrub the annoying scuff on your wall until it is gone. It will remove the scuff mark without ruining your paint.

What is the reason this works so well? Toothpaste is a stain remover! You may think of it as a way to clean your teeth daily, but it is also designed to remove stains from your teeth as well. Toothpaste is designed to remove those stains without ruining the enamel of your teeth. This is the reason it can remove scuff marks without damaging the wall or the paint on your wall. How cool is that?
Learn More Household Hacks for Toothpaste

There are so many other hacks for toothpaste! It can be helpful to keep extra toothbrushes and a tube of non-gel toothpaste around just for cleaning and removing stains around your home. You can also use toothpaste to remove stains in clothing, clean diamond jewelry, remove gum from hair if for some reason it gets stuck in there, or polish chrome around your home.

You can even get your kids to help out with this one! Did you know that toothpaste has so many uses around your home? Have you ever used toothpaste and an old toothbrush to remove stains or scuffs from your walls? Do you believe that this hack works?
If you enjoyed this article, please SHARE with your friends and family who could use this hack in their home!
Check out this video that shares even more toothpaste hacks. Which ones are your favorites? It is crazy how many uses toothpaste has besides cleaning your teeth! Stock up the next time you are at the store: