When it comes time to welcome a newborn into the family, things inevitably change. When you’re about to become a new parent, you try to educate yourself in every way possible to ensure the transition from ‘expecting parents’ to full-on parents is easy. But let’s be honest, nothing ever goes the way we expect it.
This is when it becomes a learning experience, not only for new parents but new grandparents as well! They have to remember what it was like to care for a little one. Here are 15 tweets that sum up what it’s like to be a new parent or grandparent!
1. Clean-up time
I accidentally dripped some mustard on my newborn daughter’s forehead and long story short a nurse just walked in and saw me lick the baby.
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) November 10, 2015
That’s one way to clean your newborn daughter. We’re sure the nurses either laughed or pretended they didn’t see anything.
2. How to hold a baby 101
Nurse: *handing me a newborn* You got this?
Me: Sometimes I have to dig through the trash to re-read the instructions for mac 'n' cheese— Mommy Cusses (@mommy_cusses) May 2, 2017
There should really be a class about how to hold a baby properly because it’s an art. Also, yes to the mac n’ cheese part.
3. Statistics
Parenting a newborn:
30% feeding
50% changing diapers
20% worrying
80% becoming so sleep deprived that you forget how to do basic math— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) June 24, 2015
Can any parents or grandparents vouch for these percentages? We definitely believe it. Especially the sleep deprivation part!
4. Hold your head high
I’m in such better shape than my 2-month-old baby. He can barely hold his head up. Pathetic.
— Jim Gaffigan (@JimGaffigan) August 25, 2011
When babies can’t hold their heads up by themselves so you make a joke out of it. We can’t help but laugh at this one!
5. Up all night
My 7-week-old was so excited about Father's Day that she couldn't stay asleep last night! She's been excited about Father's Day for 7 weeks.
— La Guardia Cross (@LaGuardiaCross) June 18, 2017
It took us a second to understand the joke with this one. Now we get it! All moms and dads up at 4 am with their child can attest to this.
6. Can’t hold it!
My newborn’s secret talent is pooping the very second she falls asleep. pic.twitter.com/3D7aDbySfz
— Unfiltered Mama 💗✌️ (@UnfilteredMama) April 21, 2018
It seems like most newborns just poop at the most inconvenient times. Or, like, all the time.
7. Bottle vs. breast
My three-week-old hates the bottle.
— Dad and Buried (@DadandBuried) February 3, 2016
Most newborns, if started out on breastfeeding, will always prefer the breast over the bottle in most cases. They’ll appreciate the bottle one day, no?
Read onto the NEXT page for more things that new parents and grandparents can relate to…