According to experts, red cabbage is the best in terms of relieving joint pain the most efficiently. In addition to this, you should not only utilize cabbage compresses, but you should also incorporate cabbage into your diet as well for the best results!

“While both red and green cabbage are good for you, red cabbage packs a more powerful nutritional profile. For example, red cabbage contains about 85 percent of the daily vitamin C our bodies need, while the green variety provides 47 percent. In fact, red cabbage has more vitamin C than oranges, believe it or not. Cabbage contains phytonutrients that may help reduce chronic inflammation. One compound in red cabbage that may be responsible is sulforaphane (found in many cruciferous vegetables), a potent inflammation killer.”

They continue on by saying, “According to The Arthritis Foundation, eating a diet filled with anthocyanin-rich fruits and vegetables like red cabbage should be a part of an arthritis patient’s daily regimen. These type of anti-inflammatory foods may help naturally treat arthritis inflammation and arthritic complications.”
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Check out the video below on more information about cabbage compresses for joint pain: