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These Churches Allow 225 Homeless People To Sleep Inside Every Night Due


Something that is not talked about enough is the rising prices in big cities such as San Fransisco or New York City. It’s very common to see homeless people on the streets of New York due to not being able to afford living there. Well, San Fran has surpassed New York in that aspect, where a resident will need at least $123,000 to live comfortably.

Now, this beautiful California city is becoming another New York for homeless people, only worse. According to statistics, there are over 7,000 homeless people on the streets, and San Francisco places in the top ten of the homeless population. Thankfully, there is a place where homeless people can gather and find peace/rest.

The Gubbio Project

What is known as The Gubbio Project is a place of “sacred sleep, community, and sanctuary” for those who are homeless. The church provides an area for those homeless people to rest. There are two separate locations and both of them respectively house 225 homeless people per night. There are no sign-ins necessary and they also receive other types of care, as well. The project takes place in St. Boniface Church and St. John the Evangelist, both located in San Francisco.


The sanctuary provides basic things such as blankets, socks, hygiene kits, foot care, and even massage services, according to their website.

The Gubbio Project

According to the website, the church carries out daily mass services with homeless people still resting in the back-half of the church.

“The Gubbio Project uses the back 2/3 of the sanctuary; the church uses the front 1/3 to celebrate the daily mass at 12:15 PM. This sends a powerful message to our unhoused neighbors – they are in essence part of the community, not to be kicked out when those with homes come in to worship,” the website explains, “It also sends a message to those attending mass – the community includes the tired, the poor, those with mental health issues and those who are wet, cold and dirty.”

Brant Ward, The Chronicle

There are plenty of different ways that those who are interested can give back to The Gubbio Project. People can extend monetary donations, in-kind donations of clean socks or hygiene products, checking out their volunteer opportunities with the organization, or visiting their official Amazon registry to find out what items they are currently in need of!

Keep checking back on their official website to find out other ways on how to give back.

The Gubbio Project

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Learn more about The Gubbio Project by watching the video below:

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