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Bakery Customer Spends $1,000 On A Single Doughnut To Show Support


The owner of a doughnut shop in Ohio was left in tears after a loyal customer bought a single doughnut for $1,000. Tremont Goodie Shop shared this story on their Facebook page, praising the customer who had been a loyal regular for 40-50 years. “We are in tears. This is a custard donut for $1,000 to help keep us in business. What a blessing,” the shop writes on Facebook.

The photo shows someone holding a white bag with a pastry inside it and a red heart colored on the bag. Emilie Smith is the manager of the family-owned shop and spoke to Fox News about the incredible act of kindness and generosity.


Customer buys single doughnut for $1,000 to help struggling business during coronavirus pandemic


“He called and asked us if he would be able to give us $1,000 for his doughnut. I got choked up. He asked again ‘would that be ok?’ because there was silence on the line,” Smith recalls. “I choke out, ‘yes, of course, it would be ok!’ I never expected that.”

RELATED: This Is The Fascinating Reason Why Doughnuts Have Holes

Smith says that the same customer has done “little random acts of kindness in the past” like bringing the employees pizza. However, he’s been staying away from the shop recently because he was “trying to lose weight.” That changed when the shop took a blow due to the coronavirus pandemic and sales fell. “He said ‘I really needed to support you,'” Smith says of her customer. “He’s the kind of guy that just lights up the room when he’s here.”

Since that one act of kindness, sales have spiked for the bakery


People all over the Internet have been touched by this story, lending their comments on the Facebook post. “That is absolutely amazing! I am so grateful for folks who can do something like that. Can’t think of a better business to support!” one person writes. Another says, “Yes!!!! I love this and Tremont Goodie Shop!”

Smith also happily reports that since this story went up, there has been a rise in online sales and orders. “This morning we could barely keep up with phone calls! And someone left a $100 tip for the employees,” she reports. “It’s truly been such a blessing.”

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