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How To Recognize Signs Of Salmonella Food Poisoning


It seems there are more and more foods being recalled these days due to a risk of Salmonella. Recently, Ritz Cracker and Pepperidge Farm products were recalled due to a risk of Salmonella with the whey powder they use. Regarding those products, no illnesses have been reported yet and the recall was more of a precaution.

However, you may want to know the signs of Salmonella in case you ate certain products that have been recalled. Usually, you can get over Salmonella without treatment, but there is a risk for the elderly, the very young and those with weakened immune systems.


Salmonella is a bacteria that lives in human and animal intestines and comes out in feces. Food and water can get infected from the bacteria and infect you when you eat or drink that product.


Salmonella causes 1.2 million illnesses per year. Out of those cases, it is reported that there are 23,000 hospitalizations and 450 deaths in the United States per year. If you are healthy, you may not even develop symptoms when exposed. But, some may experience symptoms 12 to 72 hours after being infected.

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The symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps, chills, headaches and even blood in the stool. You will start to feel better within two to seven days, but it may take months before your bowel movements return to normal. Dehydration is also a risk.

If a child, elderly person or person with a compromised immune system are infected, they will need to seek medical attention.


If you hear about a recall and have those products in your home, throw them out immediately or return them for a refund. Most companies will refund your money for any recalled products. If you stored the product in a reusable container, make sure to wash that out too.

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You can also catch Salmonella from uncooked poultry, meat, eggs or unpasteurized milk. Remember to always wash your hands after using the bathroom and before and after preparing food to stop the spread of this dangerous bacteria.

Are you worried about the recent food recalls? Have you ever had Salmonella?

Please SHARE this article with your family and friends to alert them of the dangers of Salmonella and keep them safe and healthy!

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