8. “Hemlines of Skirts Modest“
Their hemlines on their skirts had to be perfect. Not too long and not too short but just right in the middle.

9. “Height Between 5’2″ to 5’6″”
Although they wore high heels, their height had to be between 5”2 and 5”6 if they wanted to work. Today, you will see female flight attendants well over six feet tall.

10. “Wear a Girdle“
Not only did they have to diet and keep their weight at exactly 135 pounds but they had to wear a well-fitted girdle on top of that. This was so no extra inches would get into their uniform.

11. “Had to be Single“
They couldn’t be married or even have a boyfriend. They had to be totally single and unattached to anyone. Wow! That is really going overboard!

12. “Had to Smell Good”
Although they couldn’t put so much perfume on that it overpowered everything on the plane, they had to smell pleasant and nice. It had to be a perfect scent and had to be just right, as in not too much and not too little.

13. “Soft and Well-Modulated Voice“
They were not to shout or scream at the guests on the plane. They had to talk in a soft and well-modulated voice. They were actually told to change the tone of their voice!

Credits: rugzee.com