When stepping on a plane, most people expect to get right in their seat, buckle in, and wait for the safety tips they will be hearing from the flight attendants. That is how it is today but what was it like back in the 1950s? You might be surprised once you read some of these weird requirements for female flight attendants in the 1950s.
1. “Maximum Weight: 135 Pounds”
Back in the 1950s, the female flight attendants were actually weighed before they started each shift. If they were over 135 pounds even by a little, they weren’t allowed to work. However, they did away with this requirement decades ago, thankfully.

2. “Light Jewelry“
Although they were allowed to wear some jewelry, it had to be light. They were allowed one strand of pearls with one charm and maybe a pair of stud earrings.

3. “Hands Soft And Manicured”
They had to make sure their hands were soft and manicured lightly. Light enough to look as natural as possible.

4. “Delicate but Flattering Makeup”
The flight attendants in the 1950s had to wear makeup but it had to be light. In other words, they had to be pretty but not too pretty.

5. “Soft And Feminine Hairstyle”
Back in the 1950’s, one requirement was that the women had to have a soft and feminine hairstyle to make them look as much of a woman as they could. Their hair had to be short but lady-like.

6. “Feet Well Groomed”
Since they had to wear shirts and heels, they showed some of their feet. Because of this, their feet had to be well-groomed. This meant classiness over comfort back then!

7. “Smooth Legs Free from Hair“
The women had to shave their legs perfectly and their legs had to be smooth and free from hair. They couldn’t even have a couple of hairs on their legs. Luckily, today, this is not a requirement but is optional. Although every woman still shaves their legs, at least it isn’t a requirement these days.