11. Protect food from burning: Anyone who does a lot of cooking has at least one horror story where they burned a meal. A foolproof way to ensure that it never happens again is to line a skillet with aluminum foil to prevent the food from making direct contact with the metal pan. Voila!

12. Make cookie cutters: Cookies are even better when they’re in fun shapes. To make your own cookie-cutter shapes, make a creative outline using tin foil, and then press it into cookie dough for creative designs your friends and family will love to eat.

13. Use foil for a touchscreen: Touchscreen technology is a lifesaver, and almost every phone on the market today has it. Some people prefer to use a stylus as opposed to their fingers, however. Instead of shelling out money for one, wrap aluminum foil around a pen or other thin, pointed instrument to make a DIY stylus that works just as good as the ones in the store.

14. Seal plastic bags: If you’ve ever left a plastic bag full of food open for too long, you know how stale it can become. It doesn’t have to be this way, though! Place a thin strip of foil over the bag’s opening and press it with an iron. Presto!

15. Remove rust from chrome-plated surfaces: Chrome tends to accumulate rust easily, but that doesn’t mean that you need to sit back and accept it. If you soak a ball of tin foil in cold water and start scrubbing, the rust will come off and your chrome will look brand-new again!

Credits: boredomtherapy.com
Who knew that this material was so versatile? Double-down on your next tin foil purchase and try these hacks yourself!