6. Clean a hot glue gun: If you’ve ever needed to use a hot glue gun, then you probably also remember what a pain it was to clean. The glue would harden around the tip, making it nearly impossible to use again without trying to peel it off. Tin foil takes the cemented glue right off.

7. Improve the WiFi signal: People are always looking for stronger and faster Internet connections wherever they go. Folding a piece of tin foil into a small rectangle and placing it behind a router should help increase the speed!

8. Move furniture easily: When you decide to rearrange a room in your home, moving the heavy furniture is never fun, especially if you have carpeted floors and the furniture won’t slide around. Placing a piece of foil under the legs of large tables or couches will allow them to glide along the carpet more easily.

9. Clean silverware: Rusted silverware is never a good thing. Placing them in an aluminum foil-lined tray and adding baking soda, salt, and boiling-hot water to it should help eliminate the unsightly stuff.

10. Clean an iron: Irons, just like anything else that’s made of metal, start to rust after a while. And all that rust can transfer to your clothing if you’re not careful. A sheet of foil, however, will leave your iron’s metal face looking brand-new!