When the family gets together, they dine at an authentic 1950’s dinner before they head to the Skyline drive-in to watch a movie.

The kitchen comes complete with 50s kitchen utensils, a lemon-colored Sunbeam Mixmaster, a Colda fridge and an early Kooka gas oven.

When the family gets together, they occasionally visit the local Skyline drive-in and dine at an authentic 1950’s restaurant.
‘There’s nothing better than going to the drive-ins with the family – you go to the diner and you have a chili dog or hot dog – it’s very American style and you sit in your car and watch the movie with your family – It’s great fun,’ she said.
When asked what her favorite collection was, she couldn’t decide between her Barbie collection and her swimsuits.
‘My favorite is probably my 1950’s private swimsuit collection. I’ve got some really stunning ones and I think they’re just divine and flattering. They’re modest so you’re covering everything that you should be covering and you just feel good and feel like a million dollars when you wear them.’
Mrs. Keenan has been living the lifestyle for over 30 years and she’s grateful that her family has all shared the same interests and passion.

While the lifestyle isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, Pixie is grateful her family share the same interests and passion for the era that she does.

Mrs. Keenan said while their lifestyle isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, she’s grateful that her family share the same interests and passion for the era that she does.
‘Not everyone is accepting of my lifestyle choices but that’s ok – each to their own,’ she said.
‘I believe that everybody should be able to do what they want and dress the way they choose in life – providing it doesn’t hurt another human being.
‘There’s nothing wrong with being different – it’s important to be different, not everybody needs to be the same. There’s nothing wrong with being an individual and sharing your love for whatever it might be.
‘The people who step outside the box and have enough confidence really need to be applauded.’
Credits: dailymail.co.uk