The mother of two also keeps herself busy with her own 50s inspired business – Boogie Bop Dames – where she teaches deportment classes, as well as hair and make-up workshops after she taught herself the authentic styles.
‘I teach ladies how to present themselves, how to hold themselves correctly and how to sit properly,’ she said.
‘I just think that people had a lot more respect for other human beings back then and had good old fashion values – where people would walk down the street and greet each other and gentlemen were gentlemen – they opened the car door and pulled back the chair.
‘And that to me that is really important and is something I’m still teaching my children.’
The Keenan home comes complete with a Precedent TV, a rotary-dial telephone, and traditional family board games.

The mother of two keeps herself busy with her own 50s inspired business – Boogie Bop Dames – where she teaches hair and make-up workshops.

Mrs. Keenan also runs her own vintage photo studio where she gives her clients a 50s makeover from head to toe. Her clients range from women of all ages to men or 14-year-old’s parties.
‘It’s an experience stepping back in time and the thing is, most woman who come along and are photographed by me lack a lot of self-confidence because they’ve never done anything special in their life,’ she said.
‘So what I do is I transform them with their hair and make-up so that they can see their true beauty.
‘Whether, it’s tucked down deep inside or whatever it is – most of these women for the very first time wouldn’t acknowledge that they’re beautiful. So I put them in a pretty dress and I pose them so they feel good about themselves.
‘Then when I turn the camera around, they cannot believe it’s them. In fact, I’ve had a lot of woman cry because they cannot believe the beautiful woman in that photograph is them.’
Mrs. Keenan’s daughter, Nasya wears vintage occasionally, dressed in 1950s floral dresses or pencil skirts and beautiful blouses.