13. How To Pull Out Long Nails
Pulling out long nails with just a pair of pliers can be tough, but there’s an old trick for doing this successfully. Place a small piece of wood just under your pincers. Start pulling the long nail and you’ll be surprised how easy it is!

14. How To Light A Fire Without Wood

You want to light a coal fire but there’s no wood available? No worries! You can simply use twisted pieces of paper (as shown in the image). A newspaper would be a good choice. Take about two or three sheets and start lighting your coal fire.
15. How To Make A Fire Extinguisher
Don’t have a fire extinguisher at home? You can just make one yourself by dissolving 1 lb. of salt and 1/2 lb of sal-ammoniac in 2 quarts of water. Put about a quart of the solution in thin glass bottles. If there’s a fire you want to extinguish, just dash one of the bottles into the flames.

16. How To Use Up Coal Dust
Recycling is always a good idea, so why not turn some coal dust into bricks of fuel? Just simply mix a shovelful of coal dust to a handful of salt then add water. Stir the mixture until it turns into a stiff paste. Mold the mixture into bricks using an old tin box then let it dry on a shelf.

Credits: survivallife.com