7. How To Make A Hack Saw Frame
A hacksaw is one of the useful tools you can have. The good news is you can easily make it with just a piece of hardwood cut, saw blade, and a small screw and nut. Make a cut in the area where you will attach the saw blade. Attach the blade with screw and nut in near the handle. As shown in Fig. 2, this metal fitting is at the other end where the top should fit into the slot in your wood frame, preventing the blade to turn. The saw can be tightened by using the nut at A shown in the picture.

8. How To Treat Bite Of An Animal
Put a ligature between the wound and the rest of the body, and then cleanse the animal bite thoroughly. If you suspect the attacking animal is mad, ensure the place is well sucked. Cauterize it with silver nitrate, after cutting the flesh with a knife. Send the patient to a doctor once you perform first aid.

9. How To Remove Foreign Particles From The Eye
When you’re out in the wild, you’re most probably faced with strong winds… which means you might accidentally catch a foreign particle in your eye. You can easily get rid of this foreign particle by dropping castor oil in the corner of the affected eye. If in case the foreign particle is of lime or mortar, rinse your eye with weak vinegar and water.

10. How To Extract A Splinter
Extracting a splinter with your fingers or tweezers can be painful, but there is an easy way to do this with less pain. All you need is a wide-mouthed bottle filled with hot water. Ensure the hot water is up to nearly the bottle’s brim then press it tightly against the affected part. This will create a suction, pulling down the flesh while the steam of the hot water will draw out the splinter.

11. How To Light A Match In The Wind
So, you’re out for camping and ready to start a bonfire. But, the winds are just too strong for you to light a single match. To successfully light a match in the wind, simply cut thin shavings on the match towards its striking end. In this way, the shavings will catch the fire and will make the flame stronger.

12. How To Cure Chilblains
Suffering from chilblains due to extreme cold? Just get a slice of apple and salt and your problem will be solved! Dip a slice of apple in common salt then rub it gently on the affected parts. It would be best to use a juicy apple.