Like most people, whenever I catch a cold or sore throat, I’m immediately transported back in time to when I was a little kid. The remedy: Soup, tea with lemon and honey, lozenges (Sucrets, Ludens, Halls or Ricola), baby aspirin (Bayer, Chewable Tylenol or St. Joseph’s) and Vicks VapoRub. My mother or grandma would lift up my pajama top, and gently massage the Vicks onto my chest. Then she would put a little under my nose (and sometimes with a dab on a Q-Tip up the nose), and some more in the humidifier. I’d get under the covers, and almost immediately I would start to feel warm and safe and just a little bit better, as the vapors took over.
Hollywood “curses” are a strange thing as people tend to look at the collective deaths…
74-year-old Michael Esmond is putting on the Santa Claus gear this year once again as…
Police officers from Orlando, FL donated and delivered Christmas gifts to more than 200 kids…
On December 9, 1965, a blue-tinged fireball streaked across the sky over Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. However,…
Over years, less emphasis ended up placed on traditional Sunday family dinners. In those times,…