11. Fun fact: Nowhere in the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme does it describe Humpty as an egg. He’s just a guy who falls off of a wall and splatters so violently on the ground that he actually breaks apart. But honestly? A splattered guy costume would still be less creepy than this armless version of Humpty that looks like the victim of stage magic gone wrong.

12. Perhaps the creepiest part of this costume is the very tiny sliver of the man’s face that peeks through the fabric of the mask. There’s something inexplicably sinister about seeing so little of a person’s face. But the scariest part of this photo? That wallpaper. Yeesh.

13. First of all, was the tiny stool necessary to this photograph? It adds very little to what is a pretty well-made fly costume. If you’re more of the anti-social type, this costume is perfect for you: just put your face directly against a wall to successfully become a “fly on the wall.”

14. Here you have a well-dressed pair of nightmarish weasels. (Or are they aardvarks?) Either way, something about the look of absolute terror in the lady weasel’s eyes adds a sense of dread to the photograph. Quality costumes? Or no?

15. Whether you loved or hated elementary school class photographs, at the end of the day, they were always nice pictures for Mom to frame above the mantle. This one though? Thanks to these creepy, smiling sacks, this is a class photograph better off for a haunted house.

Credits: boredomtherapy.com
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