6. Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade
All of those Nazis that Harrison Ford fights are wearing war medals that were used during WWII. However, the film is supposed to take place before the war even happened.

7. Pirates Of The Caribbean
Have you ever noticed the random cowboy in this scene of the movie? He must not have gotten the memo that they were playing pirates…

8. The Aviator
These thin, frameless glasses that Robert Gross wears are far too modern of a look for the 1920s.

9. Seabiscuit
If you pay attention to the jockeys you’ll notice that all of them are wearing chin straps. This was a feature that wasn’t introduced to horse racing until 1956, however, the film takes place in the ’30s.

10. Amadeus
Many outfits throughout the film have zippers, even though they weren’t invented until 120 years after Mozart’s death.