Okay, I’ll admit that I’m not one to notice the small details of life. I remember when I first got my drivers license and got behind the wheel that I couldn’t remember how to get to certain places that I’d been to millions of times before.
I was just used to being taken there while I daydreamed in the passenger seat!But this lack of attention to detail has definitely gotten me concerned, especially when I realized I missed a few of THESE major costume mistakes in my favorite movies.
Check out these 20+ costume fails…
1. Braveheart
History has proven that people in Scotland didn’t wear kilts until about the 16th century. However, Mel Gibson’s character can be seen rocking one throughout the entire Braveheart movie, which takes place in the 1300s.
2. Django Unchained
Despite the fact that sunglasses weren’t worn in America until the year 1929, Jamie Foxx can be seen sporting a nice pair throughout this Tarantino epic set about 70 years prior.
3. My Girl
Remember Vada’s mood ring? Well, it must give her the power to travel through time because these weren’t invented until three years after the film is supposed to take place.

4. Schindler’s List
Have you ever noticed that all of the women in the film have shaven legs and armpits? Not only is it hard to believe that the women in the concentration camps were so concerned about their body hair, but shaving wasn’t much of a trend for European women in the 1940s.