
New Study Explores Women Over 50 In Film And Their Stereotypical Roles

A new study has found that women over the age of 50 in film are often relegated to supporting roles…

4 years ago

Research Shows Children Who Grow Up With Dogs Are Better Behaved

Dogs are truly man's best friend and have been scientifically proven to help us feel better. Whether we're upset or…

4 years ago

Comparing Teens Today With Teens From The ’70s

Everyone lives in a whole different world compared to decades ago. Though, some parts feel somewhat similar. But one area…

4 years ago

Study Shows Mother-Daughter Trips Are Good For Your Health

Calling all mothers and daughters everywhere! If you both haven't taken a trip together or simply just spent some quality…

5 years ago

Studies Show That Mouthwash Cancels Out Key Benefits Of Exercise

New studies about how mouthwash can affect the benefits of exercise are surfacing and making us all scratch our heads!…

5 years ago

Psychologists Suggest That Moms Need “Momcations” To Avoid Burnout

Experts are now weighing in on women, specifically moms, with burnout, saying that they need a "momcation." Although it's self-explanatory,…

5 years ago

A Simple Ingredient To Living A Longer Life, According To Science

A recent study showed that one of the best things you can do if you want to live a longer…

5 years ago

New Study Shows That Secondhand Drinking Affects 53 Million Americans

You've heard of secondhand smoking, now get ready for secondhand drinking. A new study confirms that secondhand drinking affects 53…

5 years ago

New Potential Alzheimer’s Vaccine, Promising Results In Tests With Mice

We previously shared a story about researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas making progress on…

5 years ago

Interesting Study Says Horns Are Growing On Young People’s Skulls From Too Much Phone Use

Before you freak out and say "this can't be right," don't worry. You're not going to wake up one day…

5 years ago

New Study Shows Women Are Actually Better Drivers Than Men

It has been an ongoing assumption that women are generally worse drivers than men are, but it looks like a…

5 years ago

Gardening Could Lower Your Risk Of A Heart Attack

A new study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine has said that even the gentlest of physical activity…

5 years ago