
Sean Connery Once Said He Would Return To The Screen For ‘Indiana Jones’

Sadly, Sean Connery recently died at the age of 90. He is known for his many roles including James Bond…

4 years ago

86-Year-Old Sophia Loren Is Coming Out Of Retirement To Star In Netflix Film

Sophia Loren had previously retired. While she is known for films such as A Special Day and Two Women, she…

4 years ago

Rod Stewart Slams Elton John For Retiring

Elton John and Rod Stewart have always had a bit of a rivalry. However, in the past it was friendly…

4 years ago

Jungle Jack Hanna Announces Retirement After 40+ Years At Columbus Zoo

Jungle Jack Hanna has announced that he will be retiring at the end of this year. His last day will…

4 years ago

Clint Eastwood’s Daughter Came Out Of Retirement To Act In His Film

Clint Eastwood's daughter Alison Eastwood said she was done with acting in 2014. She retired from acting after appearing in…

4 years ago

Goldie Hawn Explains Her Fifteen-Year Dry Spell From Acting

Goldie Hawn had a booming career in the 1970s. She started her acting career on the show Good Morning World…

4 years ago

98-Year-Old Girl Scout Still Selling Cookies Today

At 98 years old, Ronnie Backenstoe is still selling Girl Scout cookies and is even part of a troop! She…

4 years ago

Robert Redford Leaves Fans In Limbo About His Retirement

After announcing his impending retirement, Robert Redford immediately felt regretful. Looking back, he thought of other ways to slip out…

4 years ago

Aspiring Globe-Trotters Sold Their 4,000-Square-Foot Home To Travel In Retirement

Life gives us plenty of reason to say ours is a small world. But when we step back, we see…

5 years ago

New Retirement Savings Trend Means Retiring Later

Saving for retirement is a pressing issue in the United States. Seniors and those approaching retirement age want to feel…

5 years ago

What To Know About The Reality Of America’s Retirement Crisis

Unfortunately, most people these days do not save up enough money for retirement. The future of Social Security is pretty…

5 years ago

Retirees Are Packing Their Bags And Moving To These 10 Cities

It is no secret that as you get older, you form a rest-of-your-life plan. It may or may not consist…

5 years ago