
93-Year-Old Alabama Poll Worker Has Worked Every Election Day Since 1963

Martha Mae Ophelia Moon Tucker is 93 years old and has worked every single Election Day as a poll worker…

4 years ago

Willie Nelson And His Son, Lukas, Want You To Share ‘Good News’ From Your Community

If you know anything about Willie Nelson, it's that he also has a very talented son, Lukas Nelson. His son…

4 years ago

Police Officers Clear A Foot Of Snow From 99-Year-Old Woman’s Driveway And Sidewalk

Three New York police officers helped clear some snow from a 99-year-old woman's driveway and sidewalk. The officers come from…

5 years ago

14-Year-Old Baker Manages Ambitious Charity To Feed The Homeless

Different business models focus on different areas of the company and its mission. If carefully crafted, a business strategy can…

5 years ago

Florida Man Purchases Over 100 Generators For People In The Bahamas

Alec Sprague, a Jacksonville, FL resident, witnessed another anonymous man buying over 100 generators to send to the Bahamas. People…

5 years ago

Washington Farmers Harvest Crops For Neighbor With Stage Four Cancer

Larry Yockey was diagnosed with Stage IV melanoma cancer back in February. Now, farmers have rallied with him as he…

5 years ago

Artist Repurposes Old Car Tires Into Beds For Stray Animals

Amarildo Silva is an artist that is using old car tires and turning them into beds for stray animals in…

5 years ago

Community Bands Together To Help 84-Year-Old Homeless Veteran Twins

They lived in the Netherlands, Belgium, Holland, Indonesia, and Brazil, before coming to the United States. Once they arrived in…

5 years ago

When No One Shows Up To A 7-Year-Old’s Birthday, The Community Steps In

Colten Raymer and his mom recently moved from New York to Florida. Colten was so excited to invite his new…

5 years ago

One Woman Creates Backyard Tent Community For Hurricane Michael Victims

Hurricane Michael was one of the most catastrophic storms of 2018 and so many victims were affected. It was the…

5 years ago

Man Builds Staircase For Senior Safety, Then City Tears It Down And Claims It’s Not Safe

Seniors from a neighborhood in West Toronto were thrilled when they learned they would be getting a community garden in…

6 years ago

Man Builds ‘Blessing Box’ To Help Those In Need And Inspires Others To Build Their Own

Eric Escamilla took it upon himself to start a new way of giving to those who are in need. As…

6 years ago