
13 Random Things You Won’t Believe You Didn’t Know

You know those things that pop up every now and again where they completely blow your mind when you take…

8 years ago

Be Prepared And Protected: Irma Reaches Highest Category Hurricane Level

UPDATE: Florida braces for impact. Hurricane Irma intensifies into a full-blown “super storm” with 185+ mph winds and is growing…

8 years ago

The Mid-Century “Flying Saucer” Obsession- Part I


8 years ago

This Rare Footage From Elvis’ 1967 Wedding Was Kept A Secret. Now It’s Out, And It’s Incredible!

It’s hard to believe the King of Rock and Roll would have celebrated his 81st birthday if he was alive.…

8 years ago

10 Things That Still Bother Me About “The Parent Trap”

1. Why did Annie and Hallie become such fast enemies? There was literally no reason that they should immediately hate each…

8 years ago

How To Clean A Vintage Rain Lamp

I've always wanted a vintage rain lamp and after searching for a while, I finally found one on Craigslist at…

8 years ago

Mother Hires a Nanny For Her Son, Only To Realize Later She Was Princess Diana

American businesswoman named Mary Robertson probably received the best and the most shocking surprise of her life when she discovered…

8 years ago

Remember Johnson Smith Catalog? Did You Read The Johnson-Smith Catalog As A Kid.?

For juvenile pranksters, reading through a Johnson Smith Company catalog was like hearing a voice from heaven. Yes, children, there…

8 years ago

10 Surprisingly Wise Words From Pop Culture Witches

Halloween is slowly but surely approaching, and it gives us an excuse to talk about all our favorite witches from both…

8 years ago

If Listening To A Great Song Gives You Goosebumps, Your Brain May Actually Be Extra Special

Do you ever get that feeling when listening to a great song that makes all the hairs on your arm…

8 years ago

13 Incredible Facts That Will Change The Way You See The World

Actually, make that your whole universe-view. 1. Let's start small. Did you know that you can't hum when you hold your…

8 years ago

It’s Amazing How Much The ‘Perfect Body’ Has Changed In 100 Years

Women have always been under pressure to look and appear a certain way, but only recently have humans been able…

8 years ago