You searched for: quilts

Family Displays All Of Their Grandmother’s Quilts At Her Funeral

When Margaret Hubl passed away at 89 years old, her family wanted to honor her memory in the best way…

5 years ago

The Story Of How Dolly Parton’s Mother Sewed Her Toes Back On After An Accident

Dolly Parton has recently revealed a very interesting story about the time her mother sewed her toes back on after…

4 years ago

A Dying Man Achieves His Last Wish: To Share A Beer With His Sons

At 87, Norbert Schemm found himself settling back into his medical bed. Bundled under the covers, head nestled on the…

5 years ago

Artist Repurposes Old Car Tires Into Beds For Stray Animals

Amarildo Silva is an artist that is using old car tires and turning them into beds for stray animals in…

5 years ago

A 150-Year-Old Bible Once Belonging To Abraham Lincoln Shed’s Light On His Religious Beliefs

It appears that a Bible that once belonged to President Abraham Lincoln has resurfaced, 150 years later! Experts believe that…

5 years ago

Son Gives Mom A Life-Saving Organ Transplant Just In Time For Mother’s Day

This truly is the ultimate Mother's Day gift. One son gave his mother a life-saving organ transplant just in time…

5 years ago

20 Of The Coziest Inns To Visit This Christmas Season

If you are looking to get away during the holiday season this year, a bed and breakfast or inn might…

6 years ago