You searched for: debate

Mom Sparks Debate By Putting Sign On Daughter’s Back During Grocery Store Trip

While many stores are closing during the coronavirus pandemic, others are limiting the number of customers in the store to…

4 years ago

Jif Creates Special Edition ‘GIF’ Peanut Butter Jars Settling The Great Debate

There has been a long debate about the pronunciation of those moving pictures called GIFs. Most people pronounce it with…

4 years ago

Debates Over Cruise Ship Dress Codes Divide Passengers

Have cruise ship dress codes overstayed their welcome? Some believe a dress code policy is presenting negative consequences for cruise…

5 years ago

‘The Little Rascals’: How ‘Our Gang’ Came to Be and Why Those Kids Should Never Be Forgotten

When it comes to The Little Rascals, Leonard Maltin — along with Richard W. Bann — literally wrote the book on…

4 years ago

Here’s Every State’s Most Popular Thanksgiving Side Dish

As Thanksgiving approaches people across the country must answer one important question - what's for dinner? While turkey is the…

4 years ago

Why ‘SNL’s Lorne Michaels Had Little Sympathy For John Belushi’s Drug Use

In a new upcoming documentary called Belushi, SNL creator Lorne Michaels opens up about how he felt when John Belushi…

4 years ago

The Strange Way Our Favorite Ice Cream Bars Were Made Throughout The ’50s

Ice cream bars got an early start and faithful following decades ago. They took on various forms with different flavors…

4 years ago

Petition To Return ‘Charlie Brown’ Holiday Classics To TV Gets 150k Signatures

Decades of tradition helped set a real precedent for people. People expect certain things - even in these unexpected times.…

4 years ago

Whatever Happened To Susan Olsen, Cindy Brady From ‘The Brady Bunch’?

The story of a lovely lady with three lovely girls would be incomplete without said girls. Becoming a TV family…

4 years ago

Lucille Ball’s Great-Granddaughter Channeling Her Inner Lucy 1989-2020

Update: 10/16/2020 We Remember Desiree S. Anzalone, the great-granddaughter of I Love Lucy legends Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball, has…

4 years ago

Conflicting Testimonies Claim Jackson Never Loved Lisa Marie Presley

In 2019, the documentary Leaving Neverland focused attention back on Michael Jackson. With this renewed attention came renewed debate and…

4 years ago