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This Is Everything We Know About The ‘Pet Sematary’ Remake

Remember the novel Pet Sematary by Stephen King? Remember the original movie adaptation of the novel directed by Mary Lambert? Well,…

6 years ago

10 ‘Shark Tank’ Products For Under $25 That You Will Love

We've got to admit, some of the Shark Tank products that actually make it are pretty useful and cool. Some…

6 years ago

Everyday Items That Were Designed Originally For WWI

There is no doubt that WWI changed the world. Without those times, we wouldn't have several everyday items that we…

6 years ago

You’ve Probably Been Using Your Can Opener Wrong All Along

Guys, we have been doing it all wrong! Did you know that there is actually a correct way to opening…

6 years ago

Are You Replacing Your Sponge Often Enough?

You probably use your sponge every day or multiple times a day when it comes to cleaning your dishes. Do…

6 years ago

6 Things You Should Always Buy During Your Trips To Costco

Costco is a magical place of discounted, bulk items. Many people love Costco and stock up on things like toilet…

6 years ago

Amazing Hidden Treasures That Could Be Hiding In Your Garage

You might have valuable items in your home and not even know it! Many of us put unwanted or old…

6 years ago

Girl Builds Triple Spiral Of 15,000 Dominoes And It Falls Flawlessly

This absolutely insane triple spiral of dominoes falling just shook the entire Internet. Would you believe us if we told…

6 years ago

Chipotle Is Experiencing Its Worst Food Poisoning Outbreak Yet

For some reason Chipotle just keeps getting caught up in this vicious cycle of food-borne illness. The Mexican restaurant is…

6 years ago

Large Wildfire In Ireland Uncovers Historic World War II ‘Éire’ Sign

Reports have surfaced on the Internet that a wildfire in Ireland uncovered what seemed to be an old "Éire" sign…

6 years ago

5 Secrets That Your Veterinarian May Not Tell You At Your Appointment

If you have a pet, an important part of being a pet owner is taking your pet to the veterinarian.…

6 years ago

Does The Star On Tootsie Pop Wrappers Actually Mean Anything?

As kids everyone would go crazy over tootsie pops, mainly because we wanted to get to the tootsie roll inside.…

6 years ago