You searched for: growing up

8-Track Technology Was Way Ahead Of Its Time- And Rocked!

April 11th - Hooray For National Eight-Track Tape Day!

7 years ago

Sing Me Back Home: The Music Of Merle Haggard (April 6, 1937 – April 6, 2016)

A Star-Studded Tribute To The Late Merle Haggard

8 years ago

Billboard’s Top Songs From The 70s

March 20th, 1970-1979

8 years ago


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8 years ago

DYR Today, January 29

"Born Today" Isabel Lucas (31) Brynne Edelsten (33) Adam Lambert (34) Riff Raff (34) Jonny Lang (35) Jason James Richter…

8 years ago

The Original Barbie

I couldn’t get enough of dolls when I was a little girl. Blonde dolls, brunette dolls, porcelain or plastic, in…

8 years ago

Guess This Sitcom Living Room

Do You Know What the Mystery Person, Place or Thing is? Click to Find Out

8 years ago

MisMatch 31 – The Happy Day’s Gang

    Happy Days Happy Days is an American television sitcom that aired first-run from January 15, 1974, to September…

8 years ago

TV’s Most Memorable Sitcoms-Turned-Movies

On this day in 1978, Rescue from Gilligan’s Island, the first television movie to spawn from a sitcom or series,…

8 years ago

The Beginning of a Beautiful Day in Mr.Rogers Neighborhood

Everyone adores the beloved Mr. Rogers. Take a trip down memory lane and read a few facts you might not…

8 years ago

JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis was a tense and suspenseful time in our history. DYR has included a timeline and a…

9 years ago