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8 years ago

Home – Activity 1

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8 years ago

DYR Today, September 14

“Born Today” Jessica Brown Findlay (26) Logan Henderson (26) Katie Lee (34) Miyavi (34) Ashley Roberts (34) Carmen Kass (37)…

8 years ago

The Hollies : “He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother”

The title of this song by The Hollies came from the motto for Boys Town, a community formed in 1917…

8 years ago

Louis Armstrong Has Everyone, Not Just Dolly, Glowin’ and Swayin’

In 1964, Armstrong knocked The Beatles off the top of the Billboard Hot 100 chart with "Hello, Dolly!", which gave…

8 years ago

“Lean On Me” hit #1 for Bill Withers, With a Message We Could All Take to Heart

Bill Withers: a Rock & Roll Hall of Famer, and the voice behind the smash hit, “Lean on Me”. The…

8 years ago

A Salute to Muhammad Ali, The Greatest

An aging Muhammad Ali, born Cassius Clay, has been flying under the radar for years now, but his impact on…

8 years ago

A Few Things You May Not Know About Walt Disney

For a man who defined the childhoods of generations across the globe, Walt Disney — whose many projects include producing…

8 years ago

Sample Page

This is an example page. It's different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will…

8 years ago

Blackout! 49

Do You Know What the Mystery Person, Place or Thing is? Click to Find Out

8 years ago

Blackout! 47

Do You Know What the Mystery Person, Place or Thing is? Click to Find Out

8 years ago

MisMatch 7 – Bambi

1. Miss Bunny's Nose Changed Colors 2. The Points in Bambi's Ears are No Longer Black 3. Bambi's Eye Lashes…

9 years ago