You searched for: afghanistan

Patrick Tadina, Vietnam War’s Longest Serving Ranger, Dies At 77

Patrick Tadina, who was the Vietnam war's longest continuously serving ranger, has died. He served in Vietnam for over five…

4 years ago

Dog Shows Up At Police Station To ‘Report Himself Missing’

A very good boy showed up at a Texas police station recently to report himself missing! Sergeant Rusty Martin was…

4 years ago

Angstalgia: The Feeling Of Being Weirdly Nostalgic For A Dreadful Time In Your Past

It sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it? It is a real thing, though. Andrew Solomon of The Cut delves into…

4 years ago

WATCH: U.S. Army Specialist Surprises Mother With Early Homecoming

Two years ago, U.S. Army Spc. Shakir Aquil was in South Korea. Though not one for showing such vulnerability to…

4 years ago

CT Police Dog Still In The Pound Two Years Later Because No One Will Take Her In

Flash is a mix between a Belgian Malinois and a German shepherd and is a trained police dog. She originally…

5 years ago

Wounded Veteran Has Service Dog As Best Man At His Wedding

There is no bond quite like that between a boy and his dog. Further solidifying that camaraderie is a mutual…

5 years ago

What To Do If A Service Dog Approaches You Without Their Owner

Melissa Hope, a Twitter user, recently posted a PSA that got a lot of attention. When Melissa face-planted to the…

5 years ago

Robin Williams Used His Films To Give Homeless People Jobs

Robin Williams used the height of his popularity to help homeless people get work on his films. The great Robin…

5 years ago

U.S. Marine Reunites With Military Dog After Years Of Being Apart And Adopts Him

A U.S. Marine veteran by the name of Sgt. Jacob Varela reunites with his old military dog, a german shepherd…

5 years ago

Mom Asks Strangers To Help Find Her Daughter’s Missing ‘Military Daddy Doll’

One mom just sent out a plea for help. Her daughter had a military "daddy doll" which featured a photo…

5 years ago

This Family Makes Their Daughter Live As A Boy

In Afghanistan, there is a tradition called "bacha posh" which is roughly translated to "dressed as a boy." Since men…

5 years ago

NY Fire Department Rejects Navy SEAL For Being Too Old — Other Departments Invite Him To Apply

The New York Fire Departement rejected a 37-year-old U.S. Navy SEAL because he was too old. Shaun Donovan, an active…

5 years ago