You searched for: elderly

WWII Veteran Gifted Free Food For Life At Arby’s

A man who goes by the name of "Mr. Doug" at his Chandler Arby's has just been gifted free food…

6 years ago

Family Builds A ‘Blessing Bike’ For 92-Year-Old Who Loves Riding Bikes

92-year-old Rosemary Sorce of Boise, Idaho is not letting her age discourage her from wanting to go on bike rides,…

6 years ago

Farm Linked To Recalled Romaine Lettuce Now Recalling Cauliflower & Other Types Of Lettuce

Adam Bros. Farming Inc. in Santa Maria, CA has officially recalled cauliflower and other types of lettuce in light of…

6 years ago

The 10 Most Expensive Super Bowl Commercials Ever

Are you ready for some football? And some excellent commercials too?

6 years ago

Woman Shares Photos Of Amazing Act Of Kindness Plane Crew Is Really Doing During Delay

Being stuck at the airport or on an airplane because of a flight delay is one of the worst things…

6 years ago

Science Says You Could Live Longer If You Are Stubborn

Are you known for your stubborn personality? Do you regularly take a strong stance on things in life? If so,…

6 years ago

7 Old Wives Tales About Cold And Flu Season You Shouldn’t Believe

How many times do you remember your mother telling you not to go outside without a jacket in cold weather?…

6 years ago

This Is The Earliest Age That You Can Start Collecting Social Security

Most Americans believe that the earliest age you can start collecting social security is 62. We're here to tell you…

6 years ago

Some Americans Are Going To Be Paid More In Their Social Security Checks By 2019

It has been reported that millions of Social Security recipients in addition to other retirees will be receiving a 2.8%…

6 years ago

“Old Coots” Gang Sets Up Table At A Farmer’s Market To Give Out Life Advice

What would you do if you passed a table full of elderly retirees, displaying a huge sign that read 'Old Coots…

6 years ago

Studies Show That Women Require More Sleep Because Their Brains Are More Complex

A recent study has shown that women require a good night's sleep to boost their brain power, while men benefit…

6 years ago

Do High School Sweethearts Still Exist?

In this world, there are two types of relationships. One where you meet your partner in college or after college,…

6 years ago