There were definitely things we used to do when we were little. Whether they were brought on by our parents or our own curiosity/boredom, you can admit you’ve done them before. I’m talking about things like playing ‘the floor is lava’ or making a pillow fort!
This was pretty much the epitome of everyone’s childhood. Some of these things we might even still do, or have passed along to other kids for their entertainment. Here are 9 things you used to do when you were little (or might even still do)!
1. Blow bubbles into a drink through a straw
Who used to do this and still does this? No better way to tick off your parents at dinner!
2. Trying to use “the Force” to lift objects by pointing at it
Whether you were pointing or gesturing to it, you just expected it to lift up off the ground. Every time.
3. Tried to balance the light switch between “on” and “off”
But, alas, there was no way to keep the light switch perfectly in the middle.
4. Accidentally calling your teacher “mom”
Or when your waiter tells you to enjoy your meal, you respond with, “You, too!”
5. Tilting the game controller even though that solves literally nothing
Kids today still do this and it still doesn’t make anything even a little bit different.
6. Playing “the floor is lava”
If the floor actually looked like this, I don’t think anybody would be going near it or hopping over it!
7. Making a pillow fort
Who else had a competition to see who could make the biggest pillow fort ever?
8. Yelling “stay” at inanimate objects to stop them from falling over
Similar to a game of Jenga, sometimes yelling “stay!” at inanimate objects can help them keep their balance. Sometimes.
9. Used empty paper towel rolls as swords
Who needs light sabers when you can use empty paper towel rolls instead?
Do you remember any of these things you used to do when you were little? Be sure to SHARE this article if you do!