Sloppy Joes have been popular since the 50s, but they’re still an American classic that works well with everyone, including picky children! Who remembers when they were known as Wimpies or yip yips?
The versatility of Sloppy Joes has made it a favorite for busy families. Not only are they easy to make, they are affordable and delicious. The iconic sandwich got its start as a loose meat sandwich, which was a popular choice at diners and cafes at the time. In 1930s Sioux City, Iowa, a cook named Joe added tomato sauce to the loose meat sandwich at Floyd Angell’s Cafe and it’s been known as the Sloppy Joe ever since.
Most Sloppy Joes have a mixture of homemade ground beef, onions and tomato sauce served in a hamburger bun. With just one bite, the sandwich can spill all over your hands and mouth, an eating experience many people enjoy. There are thousands of variations of Sloppy Joes these days, from meatless versions to even sweetened ones sprinkled with cinnamon and brown sugar.
Kid’s just say the darndest things:
You can even find pre-made mixes at most grocery stores and there are multiple brands that make these mixes. It’s pretty incredible how long the Sloppy Joe has remained a classic food item. Variations of all kinds are now in many cultures and cuisines from Canada all the way east towards India. What is your favorite way to eat Sloppy Joes? My school cafeteria served Sloppy Joes on Wednesdays, and I remember being so excited when I was on the lunch line. Who else remembers being excited for Sloppy Joes at the cafeteria?