If you’ve ever lost something important, you know how devastating it can be. Sure, it’s disappointing to lose a jacket or pair of sunglasses or something, but you can move on from that stuff pretty easily.
It’s a lot harder to deal with it when you lose an item that has sentimental value to you, like a note from a loved one. The worst thing to lose of all? Photographs.
Park Lee, an elementary school teacher in Taiwan, was cleaning up the beach with his students when they found something interesting: a camera completely covered in barnacles.
When Lee opened the waterproof camera case, he realized the camera still worked perfectly — he knew in that moment that he had to track down the person it belonged to. It’s incredible that after so long in the ocean, the camera suffered no damage whatsoever.
The last photo on the camera was taken on September 7, 2015, about 250 km away from the beach it washed up on. Lee posted on Facebook about the camera, asking people to share his post to help track down the owner.
The post was shared over 10,000 times. Just 12 hours later, Lee found the owner!
Serina Tsubakihara, the woman who lost the camera, is a student at Sophia University. She was stunned to find out that her camera had washed up on a beach in Taiwan.
Her favorite part about the whole thing is that elementary school students found it! In fact, she wants to visit Taiwan to thank them personally.
How crazy is this story? It’s so lucky that Serina’s camera turned up — now she has all those priceless memories back. And she has a fascinating new story!
If you love coincidences like this, please share this article with your friends!
[H/T: The Japan Times]