The Munsters may have been a quirky family indeed, but they came with some inspiring words of wisdom. Words that have just as much meaning today as they did once back then. A video surfaced on Facebook of Herman Munster, the dad of the family, teaching his son some inspiring food for thought.
“The lesson I want you to learn is it doesn’t matter what you look like,” he says. “You can be tall or short, or fat or thin, ugly or handsome, like your father. Or you can be black or yellow or white, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is the size of your heart and the strength of your character.”
Herman Munster can teach us all a lesson on kindness and respect
The video on Facebook has surpassed 2,000 comments with people talking about how beautiful his words of wisdom are. “I was wondering why Herman Munster had been trending… this is beautiful,” one Facebook user says. Another writes, “I remember the first time I heard this. Hit me right in the feels.” Another makes a small joke, saying, “He was prepping us for the ‘Munsters‘ color movie in which they were all shockingly green.”
RELATED: Whatever Happened To Pat Priest From ‘The Munsters’?
A Facebook user says, “This is wonderful! It should by playing on every on every street corner in the US right about now. You all take care.” In today’s world, specifically in the U.S., protests against police brutality and racial inequality are on every news station and in every newspaper. With so much hate and brokenness in the world, it’s important to remember these words by Herman Munster. “What does matter is the size of your heart and the strength of your character.” The world could use a little more love today, so thank you to Herman Munster for this reminder!