New reports from Bloomberg have concluded that older people are now replacing teenagers as employees in fast food restaurants. Franchises are hiring more and more senior citizens at a more consistent basis instead of hiring teens as a cashier or part of the kitchen staff for their first-time paying job.
The idea of teenagers working at a fast food place for their first real job has been a long-time reality for many people. One of my first paying jobs was as a cashier, so I totally understand! But now, job opportunities are being posted in senior community centers and even on the AARP website to find senior citizens who might have an interest in a part-time gig.
The question is, why are more and more companies preferring senior citizens over teenagers now?
Bloomberg points out the obvious answer to a long-asked question. These companies are beginning to realize that senior citizens have more of the skills needed to excel in the position, which most teenagers lack. However, these are things that are greatly based on the teenager’s upbringing and not based on work skills.
The two things teenagers lack nowadays are being on time and friendly communication with both staff and customers.
In addition to this, there seems to be a lot more interest these days in retired senior citizens wanting to work, even if it’s just a part-time job. They find themselves bored, wanting to make a little extra money, or just get out of the house.
63-year-old Stevenson Williams is a retired construction worker and now manages a Church’s Chicken in South Carolina. “It’s fun for a while, not getting up, not having to punch a clock, not having to get out of bed and grind every day,” Stevenson says to Bloomberg, “But after working all your life, sitting around got old. There’s only so many trips to Walmart you can take. I just enjoy Church’s Chicken. I enjoy the atmosphere, I enjoy the people.”