Amazon Alexa is gaining popularity. It works on Amazon devices like the Amazon Echo. The Amazon devices work by listening to your voice and answering commands. You can ask Alexa for the weather, the daily news, and so much more. You can even play games like Jeopardy or ask Alexa to tell you jokes.
There are also tricks with Amazon Alexa. She can make you laugh with jokes or even play pranks or jokes on your family! Here are some of the most hilarious things you can ask Amazon Alexa with links to enable the feature on your Amazon Echo device:
Alexa, open air horn

If you want to get someone’s attention, you likely will with an air horn sound. You can ask Alexa to blast an air horn throughout your house to call your family to dinner or simply make them jump! Click here to enable the feature.
Alexa, ask funny cat facts to give me a cat fact

If you love cats, you might want to learn more about them! If you’re more of a dog lover, enable the Alexa skill to ask about dog facts instead. Click here to enable the feature for cats and for dogs.
Alexa, ask nugget haikus for a haiku

A haiku is a short poem. If you could use a laugh, ask for a poem about chicken nuggets. One of the reviews for this Alexa skill says, “Just the thing to bring you up when you’re feeling down! Chicken nuggets are the best, and the poetry is intoxicating!” Click here to enable the feature.
Alexa, ask crazy fact

If you are more into random facts, learn a new crazy fact every day. They are completely random and often hilarious. Learn new things and share with your friends! Click here to enable the feature.
Read on to the next page for even more fun things to ask Alexa!