Getting a job is every teenager’s first independent responsibility that they will embark on separately from their parents. It’s a rush, an exciting feeling, and a strange feeling all at once, and one teenage girl felt no different when she got a call from Chick-fil-A offering her a position to work there!
Julia Hock of Elk Grove, California has down syndrome and she has never let her condition stop her from reaching her goals and showing others just what she can do. She’s made some huge accomplishments throughout her life already, and her next one up on her bucket list was getting a job.
Not only is she a varsity cheerleader, but she also helps run the concession stand at the little league snack shop, bringing a smile to everyone’s faces who stops by. She is incredibly hardworking, determined to accomplish anything, and one of the brightest and most positive people you could ever know.
When Julia expressed interest in wanting to work at her local Chick-fil-A, her friends and school guidance counselor helped her prep for an interview.
Julia ended up going through two rounds of interviews after her friends wrote unsolicited letters of recommendation, according to her mother. Julia was apparently a nervous wreck waiting for management to give her a call back with the news, whatever it may be.
And it was ultimately the best news she could possibly ask for! Just look at that sweet reaction.
Julia’s mother, Kerri, captured the entire moment on film, recording the conversation that she had with the hiring manager at Chick-fil-A. She shared the video on her personal Facebook page with the caption, “Julia Hock is a working woman! After two interviews, lots of interview practice with her teachers, and team of her friends helping her pick outfits and putting in a good word-Juj was hired. So proud of our girl!”
“That means… I’m hired!” Julia says happily at the end of the video.
Kerri also shared a photo of Julia in her Chick-fil-A uniform on the first day of the job! “She’s very friendly and very sociable. The person that loves the unlovable,” Kerri says of her well-accomplished daughter. We certainly hope the best for Julia and hope that she is loving her new, well-deserved job!
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Check out the full video below of Julia’s reaction to getting a job offer from Chick-fil-A: