For so many years, having gray hair meant that you were old. The times are changing. Less and less women are dyeing their hair and embracing their natural gray or white hair. Guess what? It looks fabulous! There are even accounts popping up on social media to share photos in celebration of going gray, no matter what age you are.
It is normal for people to start getting gray hairs as early as adolescence. Many don’t get grays until their twenties or thirties and often dye their hair until they are “old.” Check out some of the amazing photos of gorgeous women going gray on the Instagram account @grombre. Their account is described as “a radical celebration of the natural phenomenon of gray hair.”
Check Out Some Of The Photos And Captions
One woman is a hairstylist who grew up in her mother’s hair salon. For many years, she saw men and women covering their gray hairs. Now, she specializes in giving clients silver hair masterpieces! The little peeks of gray look gorgeous against her dark hair.
Another woman shared that this is her first time in 34 years that she doesn’t have a drop of dye in her hair. Surprisingly enough, she says it is her favorite color she’s ever had! We have to agree that it looks amazing on her.
One young lady has been going gray since age 13. She has also been growing it out since then. Can you believe how long and beautiful her hair is? It is definitely dream hair! She said that she has never felt like it makes her look older and she hopes to inspire other young girls to let their hair go gray too.
Another gray-haired gal had been coloring her hair for fun since she was 16. When she was only covering grays, it was no longer fun anymore. She decided to go all gray about five years ago and never looked back. She said it feels good to just be herself.
One woman was inspired by the Instagram account so much so that she decided to stop dyeing her hair. She said she has made it over a year without dye thanks to the other ladies who share their photos and stories.
Do you have gray hair? Do you dye your hair? What do you think about this new trend that is embracing naturally gray hair, especially in women?
If you enjoyed this article and the photos, please SHARE with your friends who are going gray!