Toilet mishap
Imagine just wanting to use the bathroom and suddenly your toilet tank explodes because the water inside freezes solid. FROM INDOORS!
Frozen jeans
Okay, this literally looks like a scene from a horror movie called Attack of the Jeans.
Those don’t look so comfy anymore
Hey Polar Vortex, you may freeze my @JusticeForGirl pants but you’ll never kill their style #FrozenJustice #SisterhoodOfTheFrozenPants #PolarVortex #MNnice #BoldNorth #Negative50 #WinterFun #PerfectLanding pic.twitter.com/7s9Lro7Lpx
— Danika Brinda (@DanikaBrinda) January 31, 2019
You know how sweatpants are supposed to be comfy and cozy? Not this pair. Video proof shows a little girl throwing her Justice sweatpants into the air and they make a perfect landing legs-first into the snow.
Is that a ghost?
People are having some serious fun with their clothing in this polar vortex. Is that a ghost we see near the police car?
Science experiment time
Because @MichelleABarry asked for the ocular proof: slow motion #chiberia instant snow! (Credit for camera work to my husbeast, David.) pic.twitter.com/bRZwvz8tzb
— Tracy Townsend (@TracyATownsend) January 31, 2019
One woman took a boiling hot mug of water and threw it into the air. It immediately turned to snow. How cool!
Taking the snow for a spin
One man took what looks to be a kayak out to the snow to play… with no clothes on! What a brave soul.
Be sure to SHARE this article if you loved these hilarious photos and videos! Stay warm, everyone.