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You Could Get This 1.7 Million Dollar Home For Only $25


There is a 3,800 square-foot home in Alberta, Canada that is on sale for just $25. There is a catch though. The home is worth $1.7 million but the owner has decided to do a giveaway for one lucky winner to receive the home. This doesn’t mean that the owner, Alla Wagner, is not making any money though.

Wagner has opened up a contest where people can send in a letter telling her why they want the home with a fee of $25. When she receives around 68,000 letters and checks for $25, which total the $1.7 million, she will reveal the winner. She will choose the winner based on how heartfelt the letter is and who she feels is the right person for her home.


Find Out More About How You Could Get This Gorgeous Home


Wagner’s reason for moving is that she can no longer take care of the huge home. It is a large home that overlooks a lake and beautiful mountains in Canada. It has many amazing features like a wine cellar, chef’s kitchen, and library. She previously put the house up for sale but decided to come up with a creative way to sell the house instead.


She got the idea from another person who did something similar. In 2015, the owner of an inn created a contest called, “Write a 200-Word Essay, Win a Historic Inn in Maine.” If you want a shot at owning Wagner’s home, you must submit a 350-word essay and send her $25. The question is simple: “Why would moving to this lakefront dream home change your life?” She will choose the winner based on their answer to this question.

How To Enter


If you are interested in entering, send your letter and a check for $25 to PO Box #74 Millarville AB Canada T0L 1K0. You can also email your entry to or learn more on her Facebook page with all of the entry details. You can enter until April 5, 2019, so you have some time to think about what you will write in your essay. 


Many people are wondering if this is a scam. However, Alla Wagner has posted photos of herself and other details that make it seem legitimate. As always, use your own common sense and discretion when entering contests online and sending anyone money.

Would you enter this contest? If you enjoyed this article, please SHARE with your friends and family who would love to enter this contest! Maybe they could even win this amazing house!

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