There are lots of vintage candies from our childhood that the newer generations may not recognize. Some of the best candies I’ve ever had were from the past, and some, are no longer available. Not all of these are out of commission, but some of the best certainly are.
Today, we are taking a deep dive into the foods that only people 30 years old and older will remember. Soon enough, you’ll be scouring the internet for a little taste of your favorite childhood memory. Here are 13 vintage candies that’ll certainly take you back to the corner store and penny candy!
1. Altoids Sours

We know your lips are puckering up just by the thought of it.
They were apparently discontinued due to low sales, even though we miss them terribly.
2. Jolly Rancher Stix

We are all very familiar with Jolly Ranchers, as they’ve been around since the 1950’s. However, not everyone remembers these Jolly Rancher Stix.
The Fire Stix was produced and was a hit in the ’70s and ’80s. Another Stix I remember being delicious was the Apple Stix. Who remembers these Stix?
3. Candy Cigarettes

These childhood-famous cigarettes were made completely out of chalky sugar, bubble gum or chocolate and wrapped in paper and packaging that resembled a real-life cigarette.
4. Gold Mine Bubble Gum Nuggets

These little pieces of bubble gum resembled real blocks of gold! If only that were true…
5. Chick-O-Stick

We’ve been enjoyed Chick-O-Stick since the 1950s! This peanut butter and coconut treat was always one of my favorites. The candy itself is actually a vegan treat, if you know any vegans!
6. Barnum’s Animal Crackers

They still sell these far and wide, but the original became known as Barnum’s Animal Crackers in 1902. The logo itself is a perfect example of how times have changed, as it continues to evolve over time.
Read onto the NEXT page for more childhood candies you might remember…