8. Carrie Fisher on Hoth

This photo features a still from the movie the 1980 Star Wars film, The Empire Strikes Back. Hoth is a fictional location in the movie.
9. Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia

Carrie Fisher in her role of Princess Leia in the Star Wars films; the role that she is best-known for throughout her acting career.
10. Carrie Fisher with Princess Margaret

A photo featuring Carrie Fisher and Princess Margaret at the Star Wars premiere party at the Dorchester Hotel in London.
11. Carrie Fisher testing out her Leia bikini

A stunning photo of Carrie Fisher testing out her Princess Leia bikini right in the ocean!
12. Carrie Fisher kissing Chewbacca

A photo depicting Carrie Fisher giving Chewbacca a big, old smooch!
13. A closeup headshot of Carrie Fisher

A closeup headshot of Carrie Fisher in her usual Princess Leia hairdo.
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