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This Mom’s Secret Home Remedy For Horrible Migraines Is Right In Your Kitchen


Getting a migraine is truly one of the worst feelings. Anyone who has suffered from migraines knows that they are much more than “just headaches.” When a migraine hits, you can feel pain in your forehead, neck, and face. You might feel extreme nausea, to the point where you begin vomiting. You might be lightheaded and dizzy. The pain can be so intense, you feel like you can physically hear your brain throbbing.

Some people are very lucky and have never experienced a migraine before, or if they have, they’ve only had one or two in their lifetime. While others can experience migraines monthly, weekly, or even daily. There are many medications that can be taken for migraines, from over the counter medicines like Excedrin or Advil, or prescription medications. Some people have even gotten Botox treatments to try and lessen their migraine pain.


Migraines can actually make people feel like they are dying at that very moment. Persistent migraines also lead to a higher risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease, so they truly are not something to ignore if you get them. If medicine never seems to help you when you have a migraine and you are will to try anything, you might want to check your kitchen cabinets. The trick is cream of tartar!


One Facebook user shared a hack that her mother taught her for migraines and it has spread like wildfire. Shea Staggs-Houck wrote:

Ok…. today I had a massive headache. I could barely even talk. It was a migraine on steroids. My mom brought over cream of tartar and said “I read it on Facebook so it must be true” so…. anyway I put a little bit under my tongue and then mixed a half of a teaspoon with about 8 oz of water and I swear on my life, within a few minutes I could feel the migraine easing up.

Facebook / Shea Staggs-Houck

I had even taken my migraine medication TWICE with no relief. Just thought I’d share this info bc it REALLY works. THANK YOU MOMMA!!! I love you.

According to this Facebook post, all you need is 8 ounces of water and a half a teaspoon of cream of tartar. Put it under your tongue and boom, your migraine should be gone (hopefully).


There are some other ways to help if you have a migraine or a horrible headache, according to The Mayo Clinic. You should:

  • Turn off the lights
  • Use temperature therapy – apply either a hot or cold compress to your head and neck for 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off
  • Try taking a warm shower or bath
  • Drink a small amount of caffeine (do not drink a large coffee, but a little cup can help in the early stages of a migraine)

If you ever suffer from persistent migraines, you should immediately consult your doctor. Migraines can be signs of other underlying health issues that need to be addressed by a professional.

Please SHARE this article with your friends and family members that suffer from migraines!

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