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Community Is Building Tiny Homes For Homeless Veterans In 500 Different Cities


A tiny home community for homeless Veterans being built in Kansas City is now going nationwide. More than 500 cities in the United States are jumping in to help homeless veterans around the country. The project is called the Veterans Community Project. It started in Kansas City but is now being spread to Nashville, St. Louis, and other cities around the country.

According to the Veterans Community Project website, their mission is that the “Veterans Community Project is dedicated to supporting every man and woman who took the oath for our country. We are determined to make a difference in the lives of homeless Veterans, a task accomplished by the community for the community. We are building a specialized community of tiny-homes and onsite services to provide housing stability and address the underlying cause of the Veteran’s homelessness.”


Tiny Homes for our Veterans


Tiny homes have been very popular in recent years and it seems like the perfect solution to homelessness in the Veteran community. Unfortunately, many Veterans come home injured or with mental or physical disabilities and have a hard time finding work. There are programs to help them, but it has not been enough to keep Veterans off the streets.


In Kansas City, they are currently projecting to build 49 tiny homes in a community. Other cities might decide on smaller or larger developments, depending on what kind of space they can get to work with. The founders believe that this trend will grow and more and more cities will work together to build tiny homes for our homeless Veterans.

More About the Tiny Homes


The homes are 240 square feet each. Each home will connect to the city sewer, water, and electric services. Veterans do not own the home, but they are allowed to stay there for as long as they need, depending on if they meet the criteria and follow the program. It seems like they are not just giving Veterans a home, but helping them to get back on their feet and transition back into regular society as well. They also allow pets in the homes because pets can often help Veterans, especially those who suffer from mental or physical disabilities.


What do you think of the idea to build tiny homes for our homeless Veterans?

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