7. The Rope Ladder

It’s recommended that if you attempt to climb the rope ladder, you use the sides of the ladder to make your way up instead of the middle part. It’s also suggested to use your opposite limbs simultaneously to keep your balance and to keep it from tipping over (right arm, left leg, left arm, right leg).
8. The Cat Rack game

The goal is to throw a ball at these creepy-looking clowns to knock it over. However, you should be aiming right for their nose, which guarantees a knock-out. Hitting them too low provides a low-probability for winning. Accuracy is the best thing to focus on here, not force.
9. The Tubs game

This is one of the carnival games that are actually rigged and definitely setup to make you fail every time. You basically have to throw the ball into the bucket, but the bouncing of the balls out of the bucket is what causes the failure (and it’s set up that way on purpose). There’s really no way to lessen the bounce of the ball so don’t even bother wasting your money on this one!
10. Coin Toss game

This coin toss game is very similar to that of the ring toss game. It’s all in the wrist. You’re going to want to aim for a high arch with a lot less forward movement, attempting to get the coin to drop straight down. You could attempt to bounce the coin off the plate and have it land on another, but you have a higher chance of winning with using the proper wrist setup.
11. Milk Bottle Toss game

The game where you get to try your hand at knocking over a stack of milk bottles can be pretty frustrating. Luckily, there is a spot where you should be aiming every time to heighten your chances of winning. Aim for the very bottom of the bottom jars, right between the center two. It’s important to remember that the bottles are weighed down at the bottom, and have a lesser chance of being knocked down if you aim for the middle as most people do.
12. Whack-A-Mole

Whack-A-Mole is probably the most well-known game in the carnival game world. There is a trick to becoming successful in this game. The trick is to not whack from up high, but to instead get your mullet as low as you can, move it along a horizontal plane, and bring it down on top of the mole fast! A broad arch creates too much time elapsing between hits.
Be sure to SHARE this article if you’ve ever played any of these carnival games!