7. You can also use it for lice

You can actually get rid of lice with Listerine. Soak your hair in Listerine and cover it with a shower cap. Leave it on for about two hours and then wash and rinse as normal.
8. Use it as a toner to get rid of acne

Listerine can keep your mouth fresh and also your face. It has antibacterial properties that can dry up pimples and keep them away. It also has a nice cooling effect on your skin.
9. Soak your toothbrush

Your toothbrush might be collecting bathroom germs. Yuck. Instead of getting a fancy toothbrush sanitizer, soak it in Listerine to kill bacteria and prevent fungus.
10. Clean Screens

Use it to clean your computer and smartphone screen. Spray some mouthwash on a dry rag and wipe those screens. It will get rid of dirt, oils, dust, and fingerprints.
11. Freshen up your garbage

If your trash stinks regularly, soak a paper towel or napkin in Listerine and put it in the bottom of the bag to help reduce odors and bacteria.
12. Heal bruises

This one seems pretty crazy, but it works! Put a Listerine soaked cotton ball on your bruised areas. It will help it heal faster.
Do you use Listerine for any other problems? It is a life-saver!
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