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Rude Customer Belittles A Special Needs Employee, ‘Pizza Inn’ Owner Puts Them In Their Place


Get ready to have your heart warmed. Well, after your blood is done boiling due to what this rude customer did to a special needs employee. At the Pizza Inn restaurant, owned by Amanda Cartagine, she witnessed one of the customers belittling one of her special needs employees. As the mother of a child with Down Syndrome, Amanda wasn’t going to stand for this.

Amanda says that her decision to hire a large number of disabled people was inspired by her own son with special needs. She was incredibly disgusted by the encounter and took action to calmly and professionally explain why her employee was not able to perform the task that the customer desired.

WYFF News 4 / YouTube

The employee that was serving the rude customer had autism and was asked by the customer to refill the salad bowl. This was something he was not trained to do and, therefore, could not complete the task. This is when the customer began verbally assaulting the employee, and while it wasn’t determined what he exactly said, we don’t need to know.


What’s important to know is that Amanda and her managers spoke to the customer, explaining that refilling the salad bowl was not the employee’s job and he was not trained to do this. The customer, apparently, did not accept this as a valid answer.

WYFF News 4 / YouTube

Before leaving the restaurant, the customer shouted out that Pizza Inn should have a “warning sign” on the front of the building to let other people know that the restaurant has a lot of disabled employees. That’s just what Amanda did. The sign read, “We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer and hire all of God’s children.”

Amanda said she wanted to, “do something that was not rude but got my point across.” She proudly presents that sign on the front of the building, representing that many disabled people are hired at her restaurant, and she will continue to hire many more. One of the newest employees was her own son, who started working at Pizza Inn just a few months ago (pictured above).

WYFF News 4 / YouTube

“In today’s time where we get caught up in the day to day life and the business of it all, they make you step back and slow down,” Amanda says of her disabled employees, praising them for keeping the team levelheaded with their charm and a smile.

WYFF News 4 / YouTube

Be sure to SHARE this story if you loved the way this restaurant owner stood up for her employees! Don’t forget to watch the full news coverage on this story below.

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